''Cantinflas Show'' is a Mexican animated television series produced by Televisa. The series was created by Mario Moreno 'Cantinflas' and animated by Spanish animator José Luis Moro, who animated the pilot episode in 1972. ''Cantinflas'', the main character, is present in popular stories like Samson and Delilah, and meets famous geniuses like Einstein and Edison. It can clearly be seen that the Mexican comedian improvised his script, which adds the comedy-relief, especially in his conversations with each episode's character. ==Episodes== The following list contains the episodes from the first season of ''Cantinflas Show''. *''1.-Acapulco'' *''2.-Adopte un Árbol'' (Adopt a Tree) *''3.-El Astronauta'' *''4.-La Aviación'' *''5.-El Boxeo'' *''6.-Caruso'' *''7.-Chopín'' *''8.-La Ciudad de México'' *''9.-Cleopatra'' *''10.-Un Cuento de Hadas'' (A Fairy Tale) *''11.-Dante'' *''12.-Diógenes'' *''13.-Édison'' *''14.-Einstein'' *''15.-El Agua'' (The Water) *''16.-El Diluvio'' (Noah's Ark) *''17.-El Petróleo'' (The Oil) *''18.-El Rey Midas'' *''19.-En el Japón'' (In Japan) *''20.-Fausto'' *''21.-Federico el Grande'' *''22.-Francis Drake'' *''23.-El Fútbol'' *''24.-Galileo'' *''25.-Goya'' *''26.-Gulliver'' *''27.-Gutenberg'' *''28.-Hans Christian Andersen'' *''29.-Helena de Troya'' *''30.-La Comunicación'' *''31.-La Carta'' (The Letter) - Featuring excerpts from El Salón México by Aaron Copland *''32.-La Electricidad'' *''33.-La Imagen'' *''34.-La Roma de Nerón'' (Nero's Rome) *''35.-La Vivienda'' (Housing) *''36.-Las 7 Maravillas (Teotihuacán)'' *''37.-Las Musas'' (The Muses) *''38.-Leonardo da Vinci'' *''39.-Linneo y Darwin'' *''40.-Luther Burbank'' *''41.-Madrid'' *''42.-Marco Polo'' *''43.-El Museo Antropológico'' (The Anthropology Museum) *''44.-Napoleón'' *''45.-La Navidad'' (Christmas) *''46.-Lo Oriental'' *''47.-Pasteur'' *''48.-Robinsón Crusoe'' *''49.-Romeo y Julieta'' *''50.-Sansón'' *''51.-Superagente 777'' *''52.-Los Toros'' (Bullfighting) *''53.-Velázquez'' 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Cantinflas Show」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク